Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's here!

Baseball season is officially here. It's not even spring on the calendar yet, I haven't even had my fantasy draft yet, and the regular season doesn't actually start for another two weeks- but baseball season started for me tonight. Why? I had my annual viewing of Field of Dreams tonight.

It is hands down my favorite baseball movie. And I defy anyone true fan of baseball to watch it and not get chills at least once during the movie. I myself get them throughout the movie, everytime I watch it. It's the truth.

It used to be something I did before opening day every year, on my own. Now that I'm married, I make my wife watch it with me- as she notes in her blog. It is more than a baseball movie. It's about dreams. And that's what this time of the baseball season is all about- dreaming of a World Series victory, dreaming that you'll be there at the ballpark when that historic game happens.

If this makes me a sap- then I'm guilty as charged. I love baseball, and I am anxious for this season to start- as I am every year around this time. And if dreams really do come true- then somebody other the the Red Sox needs to win the frickin' Series this year.

Incidentally, my top five baseball movies of all time:
1. Field of Dreams (1989)
2. The Natural (1984)
3. Bull Durham (1988)
4. Eight Men Out (1988)
5. Bad News Bears (1976)

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